Review This Week’s Message

Navigating Life's Crossroads with Faith

April 21, 2024

Key Scriptures

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

Start talking. Find a conversation starter for your group.

  • As school is ending, and summer is approaching, what plans do you have for the next few months?
  • What can we do as a group to do life together this summer?

Start thinking. Ask a question to get your group thinking.

  • What circumstances in your life have moved you to the purposes God has for you? Were they good or bad circumstances? 
  • Pastor Craig gave us an example of Jacob and his time at Bethel. What transition did God have for Jacob? What was the significance of this for the rest of his story going forward?
  • What does it mean to “not set up camp” at your Bethel?

Start sharing. Choose a question to create openness.

  • Recall a transitory moment in your life. What did your life look like before and after that moment?
  • Have you ever had a time where you felt God was silent? Why do you think He was silent during that time? What do you do in the times when you believe He is remaining silent?

Start praying. Be bold and pray with power.

  • Father God, thank you for our Bethel. Thank you for helping us to transition when it seems scary or when only you hold the answers. Thank you for the boldness to move forward anyway. We pray for those right now at their Bethel moment. We pray you will show them the way, and that you will confirm through your word, dreams, visions, and through Godly counsel what you have for them to do. I pray you are clear with them at the proper time. I pray also that you will give them a deeper faith through the leap. We love you Father. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Start doing. Commit to a step and live it out this week.

  • Take time this week and pray for the will God has for your life. Take time to fully surrender to it and do what He asks.
  • Read Genesis 28-35