Stand Alone Message

God's Guidance for Raising Children

October 22, 2023

Key Scriptures

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him” Psalm 127:3  

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Start talking. Find a conversation starter for your group.

  • How has technology changed since you were a child? How have the changes affected the way children live today?
  • Can parents be assured that if they raise their children properly, they will follow the Lord as adults? Why/why not?

Start thinking. Ask a question to get your group thinking.

  • How important is consistency in disciplining children, and how can this be implemented? How can parents know the proper balance between grace and strictness?
  • How can we avoid too much pressure on our children to succeed? What are some ways to help your child cope with failure?

Start sharing. Choose a question to create openness.

  • What is one next step you can take this week to make sure you are protecting your and your children’s hearts and minds?
  • What principles from this week’s message brought conviction to you? How can you apply these principles to be a better steward and leader in your family?

Start praying. Be bold and pray with power.

Lord, thank you for providing me with a handbook to life. A handbook I can lean on when I do not know what to do through the seasons of parenting. Soften my heart and open my eyes to what my community's young people and my children require and seek. Give me strength to pick my cross up daily and die to my flesh so I can walk in obedience, oh Lord. Forgive me for the shortfalls and decisions I've made in the past because I just did not know. Holy Spirit, provide me with discernment and guidance to protect and make the hard decisions. Amen! 

Start doing. Commit to a step and live it out this week.

  • Think of some attainable spiritual goals you can motivate your children or young person to achieve this week and then start pursuing them.
  • Pray over these twelve scriptural principles of child-rearing this week and ask God to expose what areas in parenting need adjustment according to His plan.